Defining Variables - var vs. const vs. let

This tutorial provides a quick reference on using var, let, and const for variable declarations in JavaScript. Understanding the differences between these keywords is crucial for writing clean, efficient, and bug-free code.


var is the oldest way to declare variables in JavaScript. It has function scope or global scope.

var x = 10; function example() { var y = 20; if (true) { var z = 30; } console.log(x, y, z); // 10, 20, 30 } example(); console.log(x); // 10 console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined

Key points:

  • Function-scoped or globally-scoped

  • Can be redeclared and updated

  • Hoisted to the top of its scope


let was introduced in ES6 (ES2015) and provides block-scoping.

let a = 1; if (true) { let b = 2; console.log(a, b); // 1, 2 } console.log(a); // 1 console.log(b); // ReferenceError: b is not defined

Key points:

  • Block-scoped

  • Can be updated but not redeclared in the same scope

  • Not hoisted


const is also block-scoped and used for values that shouldn't be reassigned.

const PI = 3.14159; PI = 3; // TypeError: Assignment to a constant variable const obj = { key: "value" }; obj.key = "new value"; // This works obj = {}; // TypeError: Assignment to a constant variable

Key points:

  • Block-scoped

  • Cannot be updated or redeclared

  • Must be initialized at declaration

  • For objects and arrays, the reference is constant, but properties can be modified

Best Practices

  1. Use const by default

  2. Use let when you need to reassign a variable

  3. Avoid var in modern JavaScript

// Good practice const MAX_SIZE = 100; let currentSize = 0; for (let i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) { currentSize++; } console.log(currentSize); // 100

This reference should help you choose the right variable declaration for your needs. Remember, using let and const leads to cleaner, more predictable code.

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